Formatting Objects Authoring

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FOA Distribution

This Java application runs on most of the common platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS etc.), on which a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed.


If you need more information and/or support please:

  1. see the installation and running instructions on the "How to...?" page
  2. ask for support at FOA Support

Software Updates

Please Notify me on issue of a new version (account at SourceForge required).

Additional files for download

  • JavaDocs : standard Java documentation subdivided into packages and classes
  • UML Diagram : FOA architecture graphical description

Example set

  • File name : FOAExamples
  • File type : zip file
  • File size : 775KB
  • Version : 0.3.0
  • Contains examples that illustrate the implemented features.

Tutorial (PowerPoint)

  • File name : FOATut_ppt
  • File type : zip file
  • File size : 1300KB
  • Version : 0.4.0
  • Contains a step by step tutorial to learn how to FOA and its principles.

Tutorial (HTML)

  • File name : FOATut_html
  • File type : zip file
  • File size : 4800KB
  • Version : 0.4.0
  • Contains a step by step tutorial to learn how to FOA and its principles.


  • File name : javadocs
  • File type : zip file
  • File size : 1600KB
  • Version : 0.3.0
  • Contains the description of all packages and classes composing FOA

UML Diagrams

  • File name : uml
  • File type : zip file
  • File size : 779KB
  • Version : 0.2.0
  • Contains the software architecture UML diagram