Formatting Objects Authoring

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  • FOA 0.6.0
    • Single Source Muli-Channel Publishing
      • Print
      • Web
    • Variable Sets and Parameters
    • FO and Rendering using Makefiles
    • Brick Matching Inspection
    • Export Style Sets into CSS
  • FOA 0.5.0
    • Table Caption Support
    • Footnotes Brick
    • Leaders Brick
    • External (Foreign) Object Brick
    • Float Brick
    • Support for Hyphenation
  • FOA 0.4.0
    • Absolute Positioning Brick
    • Page Number Formats & Counting Properties
    • Added US Paper Formats
    • Now working with JDK 1.4
  • FOA 0.3.0
    • Complex tables support:
      • Body
      • Table Header
      • Table Footer
    • Page Numbering support
    • Multiple Headers and Footers for each Page Sequence
    • FO output compliant with the W3C Recommendation
  • FOA 0.2.0
    • Simple tables support:
      • Columns definition
      • Rows Bricks
      • Cell Bricks
    • Interactive Preview using a customized FOP version (based on 0.20.1):
      • Preview the entire document and browse within pages
      • Highlight the rendering result of a Brick
      • Re-call and edit Bricks
      • Re-call and edit Bricks properties
  • FOA 0.1.0 (hosted on
    • Full pagination support
    • Page Sequences:
      • Single
      • Repeated (+first, +last)
      • Alternating (+first, +last)
    • Full common attributes, and most of the specific ones
    • XML content browser with content amount selection
    • Content Sequence management into all the 5 regions (4 statics and flow)
    • Bricks Supported:
      • Paragraph
      • Emphasis
      • External Link
      • Internal Link
      • Image
      • Ordered List
      • Unordered List
      • Label & Body List
      • Item, Label, Body List